Wednesday, August 31, 2016

2016 Reading: Never Let Me Go

#7 A romance set in the future

I got the suggestion for this as my romance set in the future by someone from GoodReads, but when I began reading it, I noticed that it is in no way set in the future. It's actually set in the past. But it's a past that was more advanced than ours and therefore made it more advanced than our future, but with a lot of similarities.  I don't know how else to describe it. I'm going to go ahead and count it anyway.

I had never heard anything about this book before so I didn't know what to expect. I ended up really liking the book despite the fact that the main characters seemed to have no idea what they were doing. With anything. No one spoke their mind or were unique in any way. And I know that they turned out to be clones, but the whole point of the special school was to prove that they could be their own people yet they just followed orders even when they knew that they would end up dying from the "donations." They accepted that that's all they were good for instead of fighting back.

Also, the point of the school was to give the children the greatest possible life they could ever hope for despite their clone status and the fact that their whole purpose was to die for the sake of "real people." I don't think I agree with that. I think that would be a cruel reminder of what they were never be able to sustain. They were treated nicely and shown a world, but kept away from it because they could never live in it. They are destined to die and they can do nothing about it. They CHOOSE not to do anything about it. They just lay down and take it.

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