This book was actually very interesting when I really got into it. It's just a series of essay-type ramblings, but the subject matter is fascinating. Seneca speaks of life in terms of what one person is able to do. He stresses the need to not work too hard so that you miss life, but also not to waste it by doing nothing. There was a passage that stuck out to me:
'Where is the
need,' I ask, 'to compose something to last for ages? Why
not stop trying to prevent posterity being silent about
you? You were born to die, and a silent funeral is less
bothersome. So if you must fill your time, write some-
thing in a simple style for your own use and not for
publication: less toil is needed if you study only for the
day.' (p 71)
Something about that resonated with me. It made me feel better about writing and just creating in general because it reminded me that I should do it for me and no one else. Sometimes people should be reminded of that. It might make things much happier.
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