Tuesday, March 11, 2014

*NEW VIDEO!* Let's Talk About: Teen Wolf

Why did I let myself get dragged into this?

Why do I let Tumblr pull me in to things that I previously had no interest in?

(Ew, that last one ended in a preposition...)

P.S. It should be noted that I made and edited this video before the last two episodes aired so there might be some changes that I would have made if I hadn't already jumped in with both feet trying to get some videos down and ready in case I forgot to film one week and needed back-ups.

The spot for least favorite episode would have DEFINITELY gone to the "The Fox and the Wolf" because that episode bored me to death. The flashbacks about the Nogitsune took WAAAAAYYYYY longer than they needed to and I just really wanted to see some more evil!Stiles, because apparently that has become the driving force in my life.

There were also some shots in last night's episode that I DEFINITELY would have added to the collection of pictures of evil!Stiles giving his evil looks (the ones that make certain parts of me do the rumba).

Why do I love the hollow-cheeked, drugged-out, dark under-eye circles look on him so much?!?!

Derek looks good with it, too...

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