Friday, April 4, 2014

Shitty 80's Horror Movie Review: Puppetmaster (franchise)


There were just so many...

It's like the makers of all the sequels just DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER to watch the other movies in the franchise before they began writing the scripts.

I had heard about these movies for years from a good friend of mine who loves crappy horror movies as much as I do and I must say, I was a bit surprised and kind of felt a little gypped. The little puppets were not the bad guys like I previously thought. Honestly, I think that might have been more terrifying. Seriously, imagine tiny little dolls that look like Tim Burton nightmares running around your feet and trying to kill you. (Oh, wait... that's "Demonic Toys")

As it turns out, the little guys were good and managed to save the day more than once, despite GLARING inaccuracies in timeline and story consistency.

Puppetmaster (1989)

Puppet MasterII: His Unholy Creation (1991)

Puppet Master III: Toulon's Revenge (1991)

Puppet Master IV: The Demon (1993)

Puppet Master V: The Final Chapter (1994)

Puppet Master VI: Curse of the Puppet Master (1998)

Puppet Master VII: Retro Puppet Master (1999)

Puppet Master VIII: The Legacy (2003)

Puppet Master IX: Puppet Master Vs. Demonic Toys (2004)

Puppet Master X: Axis of Evil (2010)

Puppet Master XI: Puppet Master X: Axis Rising (2012) 
 They couldn't even number them right!

Also, why is the first one "Puppetmaster" (all one word) and all the rest of them are "Puppet Master" (two words)?

(Extra note: This series contained a crossover movie with the characters from "Demonic Toys" and therefore, I will be getting to that franchise sooner or later as well.)

1 comment:

  1. My exacts thoughts, too. I'm glad I'm not the only one. I just don't want another entry in the franchise.
