Saturday, November 23, 2019


I have literally spent the last few days lounging around and doing exactly NOTHING because some part of me felt like I deserved it for finishing a bunch of major school stuff without killing anyone outright. That's an accomplishment, right? Well, it's time to get back to it.

I got my first draft back with the notes and apparently, it was a good draft and I won't have much to alter for the final draft! WOOOO!!!!!!! I was so nervous about that. I think that was what was causing a lot of the stress. That and the two very similar group projects that are happening at the exact same time that I keep mixing up. I need to work on those next. Those are the things that I am going to be doing this coming week for 605 and 645.


The 2020 PopSugar Reading Challenge was posted the other day. I am so bummed that I have been too busy with grad school work to read much of anything this year. I have literally only finished 6 of the 50 from this year's list and probably won't finish much more my the end of the year. I think what I'm going to do it try to finish is along with the 2020 and add along the 2015 as well because I never did that one... Because apparently I hate myself... and I love reading.

BTW, if anyone ever asks why I never want to wear my name tag... this is why.

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