Tuesday, May 20, 2014

*NEW VIDEO!* Let's Talk About: True Blood

This is another one of those shows that I just avoided at all cost. One day, my sister told me to at least watch the very first episode (she was still mad that I had gotten her hooked on the Twilight books).

I made it about 2 minutes in before I shut it off and then walked away. It was so BAD. The accents were horrible (I live in the south and hearing it every day is bad enough, but these people were MURDERING an already bad sound and it just hurt my brain), the acting was terrible, and it was YET ANOTHER vampire show to crop up form the craze that swept the world a few years ago and has still yet to end. I wanted nothing to do with it.

But I finally sat back down (after about a week) and made it through the first episode. Ugh.

I kept watching because my sister still liked to make me feel guilty about the Twilight thing and then FINALLY we got to the good stuff. And by "good stuff" I, of course, mean the first appearance of Eric Northman. Hellllloooooooo......


I decided to read the books sometime after that and... Ugh. Again. It's horrible. It is just horrible literature (much like the Twilight books), but there is just something about it. You know that you are going to hate every moment of it, but you just have to keep reading to see what trash the writer is going to come up with next.

I went through all of the Twilight books just waiting for steamy, sparkly vampire sex... Nope. Not a damn word.

I went through this, hoping for... Well, I don't really now what I was hoping. Something astounding.

I'm still waiting.

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