Friday, May 1, 2015

2015 Reading: The Hacker Series (4 books)

Yet another set of books that is a blatant rip-off of Fifty Shades of Grey, which was just a Twilight fanfic to begin.

Why does everyone in these types of book have to have the most stupid and tragic back story possible? There's always death and rape and stuff and no one is happy. At least with 50 Shades, she was just borderline asexual, but then you had Edward/Christian who was abused and shit.

Then again, people who were happy and had nothing wrong with their childhoods might possible see how very not okay the relationships in these books are. Seriously. None of this is healthy.

Same plot is same. Billionaire asshole wants to control the life of naive fucktard with low self image and mental faculties. With sex. Lots and lots of sex. Too much sex. Because apparently a turned-on female is completely incapable to rational thought until she gets the D. There are people out to get one or both of them for some stupid reason or another and then they fight and have more sex and get married after knowing each other for less than a month.

The end.

Oh no wait, there's going to be more.
