Monday, January 29, 2018

2018 Reading: Heart and Brain: Body Language

I love the web comic and I saw this come across the desk in the library so I knew I needed it.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

2018 Reading: Audition

#40 Your favorite prompt from the 2015, 2016, or 2017 POPSUGAR Reading Challenges

I chose the prompt that was a book I got from the library. Because I am lazy. Also, I just wanted to read this book and it didn't fit into any other categories otherwise.

This book was a lot less gory and weird than the movie was. Still creepy, don't get me wrong or anything, but just... missing some of the more gory elements. Still a good quick read, though. I like the language or the way that the author puts thoughts and actions into words. It almost seems like poetry and it really almost sings (if that makes any sense to you). I might be interesting in some of this author's other writings.