Sunday, December 29, 2013

Combining the Meager Efforts of the Lazy...

Right, so...

I've established that I really suck at keeping up with blogs and vlogs, Facebook entries, Tumblr and Tweets...

But I'm trying, damnit.

I've decided to dredge this blog back up and maybe make a concerted effort. Blame Wil Wheaton or something (I usually do).  I wanted to combine my YouTube vlog with this page and also bring some of the other things I'm doing on my Facebook.  I realize that if I just take all of those separate things that I've been doing sporadically and put them all in one place, they become a semi-regular thing that people could ignore at the same time!

I don't know whether I should just lump everything here at once, or maybe do them one at a time and drag it out like the limp corpse that it is. Meh. I'll do whatever's easiest. Because I'm lazy.

So very very lazy.

OKAY! So, I've had my YouTube vlog thingy type deal for a while. I mainly talk about the nerdy stuff that I like to watch on TV and show the world how pathetic my life is and how much I have still not accomplished with my time.

This is my very first video on the vlog:

Along with that, I have been setting a personal goal for myself to watch all of the really shitty 1980's horror movies I missed as a child along with all (yes, I said ALL) of their sequels. What else am I supposed to do with my unemployed time? Now, that has been going on in my Facebook and nowhere else. So why not put it up with a wider distribution for people to not see it?

The first franchise I delved into was Hellraiser (Don't worry, the pictures get better after this one):

So, that's it! Maybe I'll just start putting everything up here. Thoughts?

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