Tuesday, April 21, 2015

2015 Reading: Shake the Devil Off

This book was a suggestion from a friend/coworker of mine who I recently learned likes stories of killers and kidnappers almost as mush as I do. Almost...

Despite the ramblings on about New Orleans and Katrina (they were not the only ones to get damage, goddamnit!!!) this book was interesting. I like that they put most of the focus on his tours of the military, sometimes with locations that coincided with those of the Marines in Generation Kill which I also enjoyed reading. PTSD is a serious thing and when people try to ignore it and blame other things, then they are only fooling themselves.

Zach's suffering, great enough to kill and cut up his girlfriend then jump off a building, was intense. Even the people who knew him said they saw the signs yet no one did a thing about it. It's amazing what people will ignore whe it has nothing to do with them directly.

All in all, good book. Thanks Kelly.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

2015 Reading: Enter A Murderer

I really love the main detective's sense of humor. He's harsh and inappropriately insensitive, but he's also really funny and goofy at points. I recently purchased the first 9 books and I look forward to getting through all of them.

2015 Reading: A Man Lay Dead

So, there is a story to why I started reading this series that's sort of like if Agatha Christie wrote Sherlock Holmes books...

Benedict Cumberbatch.

I set about getting any and all books that he read aloud for the audio books and there are three of them from this series. I ended up liking the stories as well as the voice telling them, so I decided to read them in order.

Before I found out there are 32 of them...

But, I still decided to press on and this was the first one.

The writing can be a little hard to follow in some places because they tend to introduce a whole bunch of characters at the same time, and also because the post WWI British dialogue can be a little daunting to someone from the states, but other than that I do enjoy the books.

The main character is almost as rude as Sherlock, but makes more jokes and actually has feelings most of the time.

I look forward to reading more of them.

2015 Reading: The Amityville Horror

I enjoyed this book. It was like half fiction and half non-fiction. Sort of like that book I read about The Ken and Barbie Killers. A little fun book to read on the side that's also historical an fantastical.

This one was supposed to be part of my attempt to read the books that I already own and still have yet to read, but then as soon as I was done with this, I went straight for a library book because I am awesome like that.

I have to admit that for about three seconds, I was worried that I might be creeped out to sleep in the dark, but then I remembered that I am a grown up and that would be stupid.

2015 Reading: Walks With Men

Okay, I know that I am not keeping up with any of this and I am ready WAY slower than I did last year, but... *sigh* yeah, I have no excuse. I'm just lazy.

Let's try to catch up.

This book had NO PLOT WHATSOEVER... Like, at all.

There's a chick who has an affair with a dude, breaks up with him, marries him, and then he leaves (disappears actually) and gives her everything. The End.


2015 Reading: 32AA

This girl blames her small boobs in all the bad things that happen in her life.


The end.