Wednesday, March 10, 2021

2021 Reading: A Storm of Swords

#49 A DNF book from your TBR list

This one was originally on my 2019 list as "#34 A book that includes a wedding"

Hahahaha! See what I did there? "Includes a wedding"?

I'm hilarious.

This one took me such a long time to get through and I think it was just a bunch of medical stuff on top of another semester of school starting and I was just NOT in the mood to read at all until nearly the end of February. It was a pretty blah time. And then it was April and the show came back and I didn't want to read, so that delayed it even more I ended up reading one or two chapters while I sped through other books just to make progress on the list since I was so far behind.

Fast forward and I completely just ended up not reading anything in 2019 because of school and work and a thousand other things that kept me occupied.

But I'm finally done now... Two years later. And I am so damned confused.

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