Saturday, March 29, 2014

Shitty 80's Horror Movie Review: The Curse (franchise)

Sorry this is a day late. I've been busy. I just moved and I've been running around with job interviews and packing and shit. I am le tired.

Alright, so...

I have a reason for watching this movie. It is not a good one, but damnit it's a reason.  Wil Wheaton, someone who I think is hilarious and awesome, said this film was the worst mistake he ever made. Now, with me, when celebrities say things like that, OF COURSE I have to watch them! (See: Misha Collins and his hatred of Karla)

This movie was weird. And usually I like weird, but this one just... Wow.

The Curse (1987)

Curse II: The Bite (1989)

Yeah, the sequel was no better... I don't even think it was meant to be a sequel, but they just stuck the title on there anyway as an after-thought.

EDIT: HOLY SHIT, I just found out there's a third one... I'll put it on the list.)

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