Sunday, October 26, 2014

2014 Reading: Messenger

Yay! A storyline that actually follows the book before it!

And Jonas! Finally found out what happened to him, damnit. But I would like to know where the other people in Village came from. I suppose that is going to be in the next book. (I hope).

This one was a little different in its storyline because in stead of the society that oppresses its people causing them to uprise or escape to freedom as with the last two books, it was all a matter of a person and their inner feelings and wishes. Sort of like society today, where we have all the advantages, but then we begin to turn the eye of negativity on ourselves and find fault.

A little bit of Faustian voodoo going on here, people selling off their souls, or the deepest selves, for material things as well as outward beauty and strength where before, those kinds of things had no great importance in this new village of broken people.

I hate that Matty died. I hate that he had to sacrifice himself for everyone else. The rest of these books have sacrifice, no doubt, but the main characters have always survived somehow and have gone on to make things better. I wish that there would have been some other way to save everyone, but I didn't write the book so there you go.

I like to hope that Jonas went on to marry Kira and were finally happy.

But now I have one more book left to go in this series and I guess we'll find out what other questions will be answered and what new ones pop up.

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