Tuesday, June 14, 2016

2016 Reading: Rosemary's Baby & Son of Rosemary

#26 A book and it's prequel

Rosemary's Baby: I saw the movie many years ago in my horror movie class while I was in film school, but I have always wanted to read the book. I've read other Ira Levin books and I found his writing style to be really unique and sort of flow-y so it's really easy to get lost in the story and not want to put the book down.

If I had never seen the movie, I think the ending would have been more dramatic for me. I would have thought Rosemary was just crazy until about the very last chapter. As it is, I'm kind of glad that I saw the movie because I could find the little subtle hints within the plot that foreshadowed the ending.

Son of Rosemary: Oh. My. God. This book! I have no idea what I was expecting (I didn't even really know there WAS a sequel until I saw this book at a used book store). It was such a unique thing to do to make this set so far in the future and have so many parallels between Andy and Jesus. I cold not put the book down because I just knew that something had to be wrong. But I STILL did not see that ending coming.

Part of me was a little disappointed at the ending, but another part, a bigger part, thinks it was the most brilliant thing to do for this story and it made me question so many things. I think I might have to go back and read this a second time at some point so that I can really pay attention to the details.

Ugh. So good.

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