Wednesday, March 29, 2017

2017 Reading: D*U*C*K

#36 A book written by someone you admire

**Note: For the purposes of this author, I will use the male pronouns in my description. Poppy Z. Brite (Melissa Ann Brite) has, since publishing this book, become Billy Martin. So, though I will forever call him "Poppy," I will use appropriate pronouns when referring to the author in my book review.**

It's been a while since I've read anything by Poppy (Billy, now) let alone anything having to do with Rickey and G-Man. I always love reading PZB's work because it's always vastly different than anything else I've ever read before in my life. His books could have recurring characters (like Steve and Ghost) but they are still so very different from each other that you can sort of forget that they are set in the same universe. And the fact that he writes about the south (not just New Orleans) if fascinating to me.

He is the reason that I look at New Orleans the way that I do. I mean, I hate the place and I don't ever think that I could live there for long periods of time, but listening to how he describes it, I can see the beauty in the filth and depravity.

These characters always make me wonder if they are based on Billy himself and his husband Gary. And if so, which is which? Gary is even the real name of the character "G-Man," but is that a coincidence? Or does Billy think of himself as the Rickey in their relationship? Maybe I'm looking too far into it than I should be, but I can't help it with him. I love his work and I don't think I will ever get tired of reading and rereading everything I can get my hands on of his.

I liked this book. It was short, yes, but it was a nice reminder of the other books in this series, especially the ones that dealt with how Rickey and G-Man got together. I love those books.

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