Sunday, April 6, 2014

So, I have a job now?

So, it looks like I have a job now...

I'm a librarian? Sort of?

I got the call on Wednesday afternoon and they wanted me to start the next day. Me, being me, didn't really want to jinx it by updating Facebook with something like "OMFG!!!1!! AH GOTS ME AH JOBB!!!!11?!!1!!!1!1!!!!" so I only texted a few people...

Maybe three...

Okay FOUR, I texted four people, so sue me.

With all the set backs in the last 2 1/2 years of unemployment, can you blame me for being a little hesitant in parading something like this to the masses (and by masses, I of course mean the 6 people that even bother reading the blog in the first place, and only then out of pity)?

I really wanted to get the first "week" out of the way before I said anything just so I'd know that it's really happening and not something elaborate that my brain has come up with because I'm in a delusional spiraling black hole of darkness. I'm having fun so far and I really hope it stays that way. But, like I said, didn't want to jinx it.

Not to mention, it's only a part time job (3 days a week). But, you know what? It's something that I KNOW I can do, it's in a place where I actually don't mind spending my time (in or out of work), and it's actually making me money that I can hoard as I stroke my monthly bank statement whispering "Precioussssssssssss."

So, I'm not going to let myself screw this up. I am going to actually do something I like, and if I have free time after that because of only working about 15 hours a week to start, then I can focus on maybe writing something or publishing something. I don't know.

Famous last words?

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