Sunday, November 16, 2014

2014 Reading: Prince Lestat

This is my 52nd book of the year. 52 was my goal and I am happy to say that I am going to surpass that, at least by a little bit.

It has been YEARS since I read an Anne Rice book. I moved on to bigger and better things (plus there was that whole thing where she turned crazy religious all of a sudden and I didn't want anything to do with that nonsense). But then, over ten years after I had given up on The Vampire Chronicles (as well as Anne Rice and her rediscovery of God and whatever), here comes Prince Lestat, out of nowhere, mucking up my plans.

I can honestly not remember all the things that took place in the dozen or so books that came before this one. There are names I don't recognize, hints at stories that don't remember happening, etc. it was like having to relearn everything all over again and then immediately learning that all of that was wrong anyway!

There's a name and a consciousness to the entity that created vampires in the first place, Akasha and Enkil had a son, there's a voice coming out of nowhere, ancients that we've never even heard of that know everyone and everything, Lestat has a human son and also has been the "uncle" to a human girl for 20-some years, there's ghosts and shit now... I was so confused.

But once I put my confusion aside and just read for the pleasure of it, I really started to enjoy myself and I really liked the book. It actually had a happy ending for once. Lestat will forever be the charismatic Brat Prince and now everyone is together and happy, blah blah blah.

Even sour Louis is happy by the end, and THAT is saying something.

I heard there was going to be at least another book after this (perhaps more) so I'm actually looking forward to reading that when it pops up.

What I'm NOT looking forward to, however, is what I have next on the agenda.

Pray for me, boys and girls. I'm going to try and tackle 50 Shades of Grey without killing myself.

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