Monday, April 16, 2018

So... I Have Kids Now?

OMG, don't lose your shit, but I have adopted to living beings.

This is Belle and le BĂȘte.

What? Did you think I would actually have real, living, breathing children that I would voluntarily put under my care and be responsible for their health and well-being!? HA!!! You're funny.

My sister and I were walking through Hell yesterday and something in me decided to make a change. The change started with these little ones. In many ways, I am still a child. I admit it freely and am at any given moment grateful for that. But lately, I have been taking more and more responsibility (some would say that I should have taken it long ago) onto myself so that I can become more self-sufficient should the need arise while not getting overwhelmed in the process. Bills, food, clothes, time management... it's all getting worked on (though some are more successful than others).

I brought the kids home and while deciding where to put them, realized that I had no room. I was overwhelmed with stuff on my desk (the ideal place to display their cuteness). I don;t know what came over me, but I took this task more seriously than anything in recent memory. I cleared everything off the desk, wiped it all down, put aside what I didn't want on the surface, and made it more habitable for the children.

After that, I had all this stuff left over that now had no home. This started a whirlwind of cleaning and organizing that I haven't had in a while. It felt good. I was throwing things away (a feat that has been a problem for me in the past), putting things that I actually used within reachable distance and storing other things in a more manageable way for future use. A MIRACLE! I wish I had a before picture to show, but alas, I do not.

I don't have much room to work with, but it's my situation right now. And now I share it with these two beauties. Here's hoping...

Edit (after being at work when 10 kids came in a wrecked everything all at once): This is why I chose cacti. After all the screaming and the whining and the running and mess... I get to go home to two SILENT plants that merely exist to look pretty and ease my troubled mind and all they expect of me is water. This is why you choose plants over everything else.

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