Thursday, February 27, 2014

2014 Reading Update

I have been super busy lately, what with getting myself injured and going on various job interviews that have inevitably lead to nothing but disappointment and stress migraines.

I started to read two separate books since the last time I posted a book review and both of them have just sat, untouched, after the first few pages because I have been so depressed and non-functional (both physically and emotionally) that I just could not pick them up again.

Maybe I was just aiming too high with those books (one was quite a big one and the other is a very dense, because yes, those are two separate things). I've decided to pick up another one and try to start over with that.  Something smaller, but one that I have actually been wanting to read for some time. It's along the same lines as my favorite subject matter(s) and I'm hoping that it will spark my brain into actually WANTING to read again.


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