Tuesday, February 18, 2014

*NEW VIDEO!* The Post Pre-Interview Test Video


Things have been interesting the past two weeks, what with all the interview nonsense.  I don't think there will ever be a point in my life where I walk into an interview situation and actually feel like I'm going to get the job.  Does that part ever get any better?

Someone asked me why I don't just get a little job first so that I at least have an income and just look for another job later. The answer to that is both simple and very complex. I don't want to rush into a job that I think is going to be temporary and would most likely drive me insane, because I know the type of person I am. I am the type of person who would STAY in that hell job, bored and frustrated for the rest of my life if given the choice because I would be safe.  I fear and loathe the interview and resume proccess so much that I would just settle down with whatever pissy little occupation set itself in front of me and then end up hating myself more and more as time goes by (re: Wal-Mart for 5 years).

I pretty much know that nothing around here is going to make me happy (that would involve limitless amounts of cash, a personal trainer, and Tom Hiddleston on speed dial), but I at least want to find something that I can make a living off of and not want to go postal and stab all of my co-workers in the face (re: Wal-Mart for 5 years).

And so that brings me to all the running around I have been doing lately. Let me break it down for you:

Feb 1-2: On the coast with parents
Feb 3: Drive 2 1/2 hours to prison interview #1
~1 1/2 hours to Hattiesburg
(this is where the back pain began and I could not stand up)
Feb 7: Back to parents for chiropractor
Feb 9: Back to house
Feb 11: Up to Tara's for prison interview #2
Feb 13: 3 1/2 hours back to coast for chiropractor
Feb 17: 3 1/2 hours back to Tara's for office pre-interview test

And I have to head back to Hattiesburg tomorrow for the Hideout fundraiser.

Then back to the coast Friday for the chiropractor.

I am tired.

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