Monday, May 12, 2014

2014 Reading: Coraline

This book was fucking creepy.

I am not even joking. It's one of the kind of books that makes you look at Neil Gaiman and go "WTF is wrong with you, dude?" but then you remember that it's this guy:

and you are no longer surprised.

Now, the thing that always got me about the movie (which I would NOT suggest watching if you are in anyway inebriated or *ahem* under the effects of any other synapse altering past times) is the lack of a plot.

The book doesn't help. Yes, it was a good fast read (finished it in an afternoon in the middle of another book) with creepy things that would scare the shit out of my if I were the type. But, there was no real story there. It's terribly British like that. Coraline is just a girl who gets thrown into a weird, not-quite-right world where the people have button eyes and she just is all like "Well, this is different" instead of, say, running and screaming her fucking head off when inanimate objects start moving and talking to her about how her other mother stole their souls and locked them in the closet. She sits down and drinks tea with a monster mother and is just all like "Okay."

British. So very, very, very, British.

I liked it, though. Picked it up at the library on a whim when I saw it in the children's section (where I do NOT agree it should go, BTW... shit's terrifying) and handed it back the next day.

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