Saturday, May 17, 2014

2014 Reading: Don't Look Behind You

Yet another one from Lois Duncan, Don't Look Behind You.

This is a terrible title for this book. Given the subject matter, it SHOULD be called "Look Behind You At All Times, Because People Are Trying To Kill You And Your Family In Horrible Ways Because You Are A Whiny Bitch Who Can't Keep Her Fool Mouth Shut."

I kept wanting to punch the main character in the face throughout this book. Boo hoo, you had to leave your high school boyfriend (who started dating your best friend right after you left anyway) behind. THERE ARE PEOPLE TRYING TO KILL YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY. Quit being selfish and man the fuck up. And stop telling people who you really are!! OMG, do you really not understand the point of the Witness Protection Program?!?! Put on your big girl panties and stop fucking whining!

Other than that, the book was pretty good.

I think at some point, I want to read more of Lois Duncan's work because it is short and easy to get through, plus it gets my mind off of things for a while without actually taking over my life like a longer piece of work would. Since I work in a library now, that might actually happen because it doesn't really require any extra effort on my part. (I am laaaaaazzzzzzyyyyyyyy....)

It also seems as though a lot of movies have been made off of these books. They may not be named the same thing but most of the plots are the same. They seem like they would be good for 80's horror/thriller movies (that I would then make fun of in my other blogs).

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