Saturday, May 10, 2014

2014 Reading: I Know What You Did Last Summer

It took me WAY longer than it should have to read this book. I try using my new job as an excuse, but I WORK IN A LIBRARY. PART TIME. I'm just really fucking lazy and that's all there is to it. Plus, I gotta keep up with the million and two shows that I watch on a weekly basis.

Okay, so, I Know What You Did Last Summer by Lois Duncan. Saw the movie oh so many years ago, never actually knew it was a book until one of my good friends (the same one who knows how much I love shitty 80's horror movies) gave it to me. It was a tiny little thing so I thought I would squeeze it into my list as I actively avoid one of the other books that I am just dreading to pick up. Hell, I even read ANOTHER book IN THE MIDDLE of this one, just to have another excuse to NOT pick up this one book, which I think I am just going to throw out because I no longer give two shits about it.

BUT ANYWAY, back to I Know What You Did Last Summer (which is seriously the longest title ever for a book that is only about 199 pages.

My first serious thought while I was reading this was "Who the fuck talks like this? These people are, like, high school seniors..." Seriously, who says shit like "Why, if that's the sort of thing you can find at the Good Will Shop, I'm going to start shopping there too."? Never mind that it's not even punctuated properly. There are a bunch of other things in there, too, I'm just too mazy to find them.

It has a kind of vocabulary and speech pattern that is just vague enough to be considered up-to-date, but with tiny little differences that just seem wrong if you were to say them out loud to yourself (which I am wan to do when something confuses me while I'm reading).

So I checked the publication date: 1973


I had NO idea that this book was that old.

Still holds up, though. Quick little read that is sort of predictable from the beginning, but you want to follow through just to make sure anyway.

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