Thursday, January 9, 2014

*Rant* Scam Calls

Got another call today from someone claiming to be from the government wanting to give me free money. This time it was an enticing $8,400 instead of the last sum of $7,500.  While I stuck around to listen for shits and giggles last time to the man with the VERY thick accent tell me that I had to put $280 on a money card a "test" to make sure it was really me and tell them the card information where the rest of the money would be put later.  I told him I'd get right on that and then hung up, giggling to myself and wrote on Facebook about it:

Yes, I'm totally going to believe you, person claiming to be from the Federal Government offering me free money. I'm especially convinced of your legitimacy because of your lack of English skills and what I'm sure were 'official business office' noises coming from your end of the call. I will definitely be handing over $280 so that you can send me my $7,500 of Federal grant money, which I'm sure will arrive promptly in my bank account within a reasonable amount of time. - November 15, 2013

He actually called back an hour later to see if I'd done it yet. By this time I was done and just told him I wasn't going to fall for it and to stop calling.

This time I only listened long enough for the woman, also with an even worse thick and almost imperceptible accent, to tell me I could only get the payment in the form of a Wal-Mart money card (which I know FOR A FACT cannot hold more than, like, $3000 at one time) before I hung up on her.

I would make a rant about "How can people think this will work?" or "Who is stupid enough to fall for that?" but the truth is, after five years in the Money Center of Hell-Mart, I've seen those stupid enough to fall for this shit.  I wanted to strangle them for getting duped so easily.  Like, seriously, you get an email from someone claiming that you've won the Guatemalan lottery of 250K FANTASTIC! BUT in order to get the money, you have to first send them $1,500 for processing....


I think one time I actually emailed them back and said something to the tune of: "Take it out of the 250K, then send me the rest."

Needless to say, I never heard from them again.

I wish these people who keep calling me would get that same idea.

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