Thursday, July 10, 2014

2014 Reading: Silence of the Lambs

I know that there were a lot of books in between the first one and this, but, meh. I don't really care. It's not like I'm dying to know what happens. I've seen the movies.

I figured I would read something to lighten the mood...

I am awesome like that.

Okay, so where the Red Dragon movie basically followed the book to the letter, Silence of the Lambs was a little different. Not much of a difference, mind you, but enough for someone like me (who pays WAY TOO much attention to insignificant details) to take notice. Some lines of dialogue, some character descriptions (though even good casting can so that sometimes). Stuff like that.

I think the most notable difference is the detail that they put into Jame Gumb. There was a lot of background and home life that was never put into the movie that I think was important for the character. His upbringing, his mentality, and the way he dealt with things would have been a good addition to the movie rather than just introducing him as a psychopath with little to no motive for wanting to make a woman suit.

I'm also glad that they ended up going over Jack Crawford's character a little more in this book. There was some more info on his wife that was previously unknown unless you watched the Hannibal show.

This one I could not help but imagine Anthony Hopkins voice in my head the entire time. Or the voice of Ted Levine as Buffalo Bill (even though the characteristics are COMPLETELY different for him).

I think some more light ones are coming up. I'm giving myself a little break.

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